
Swimwear care guide

It is important to take good care of your UPF50+ swimwear. Sun, salt water, chlorine and sunscreen can be stressful for your swimwear and cause colour to fade, but with the right kind of care your swimwear should take you through seasons of fun! Read our tips below to keep your UPF50+ swimwear looking good and functional. 
Take a pre-shower

You’re practicing good hygiene by having a shower before hitting the pool, but there’s another advantage to a pre-shower. Pool water contains chlorine and other chemicals, which are harmful to swimwear fabric. If you have a shower before going in the pool, the fabric of your UPF50+ swimwear absorbs ‘regular’ water and then there’s less room for those nasty substances in the pool water to get in.
Rinse well 

Rinse you swimwear in cold water after each use. If it is necessary to wash your UPF50+ swimwear, always do this by hand. Fill your sink with cold water and add some mild soap. Wash gently and rinse well with cold water. Do not soak your swimwear as this is bad for the fibers and causes them to loose their elasticity. Don’t wring your swimwear. This causes the elastic to weaken and that will directly effect the fit of your swimwear. 
How to dry your UPF50+ swimwear

Don’t leave your swimwear rolled up or store it when it is still wet. Hang dry in a cool, shaded place and avoid direct sunlight. Don’t hang your swimwear out to dry on a metal hanger. This could leave a rust mark which is impossible to get out. Don’t tumble dry!
Colour fading

Sun, salt water, high levels of chlorine and sweat can damage the fabric of your swimwear and cause colour to fade. If you’re enjoying a longer stay by the water, it’s a good idea to take a swim or a refreshing shower every once in a while to also rinse your swimwear off. Ofcourse you should always wear sunscreen. The problem is that sunscreen and swimwear fabric don’t go well together. Sunscreen can leave (yellow) stains in the fabric that are impossible to remove. So here’s what you do: apply the sunscreen 20 minutes before you put your UPF50+ swimwear on. When it comes to reapplying sunscreen, try to avoid any contact with the fabric. 

Rough surfaces and slides

If you’re planning an active day at the water park or maybe by the rock pools, think about wearing your old swimsuit. Rough surfaces such as concrete, benches and other rough materials can damage the fabric, snagging it or creating worn areas. Don’t sit on rough surfaces while wearing your UPF50+ swimwear. Put down a towel first. Slides are cool attractions in the pool, but your UPF50+ swimwear can wear out faster because of this.

Dark sand

Dark sand can get trapped within fibres of the fabric. This can happen with all UPF50+ swimwear made of similar fabrics. To remove trapped sand, gently run your fingernail along the fabric when dry.